Nov 24, 2018


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From soil sprang the thirty-third shoot,
White and fair, both stem and root,
To dwell therein and bring us good:
It lends support to crumbling bones,
In petite hands it sel▄om sho█s
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Jun 1, 2018


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it in t▐e living ro▀m, █moke and watch the sky for hours. We weren't encouraged to go in when they did that. I also remember how we would move the table away from the windows every time we had guests. Whenever that happened mom made an onion salad that I can't stand to look at to this very day. Eventually, we stopped having family lunches so the table just stayed at the regular spot, even when someone still happened to come by. Sometime before dad got an illegal radio device through my uncle. Mom was angry but she would still listen to the broadcasts, even though dad did most of the writing. I think it was her who asked arou▄d for code books though.

At some point an angry... Really pissed neighbor knocked on our door and had a fight with our mom because her kid kept drawing... What was it? The king of the sky during the weeks after mom's visit. She felt pretty bad about it, and that's a fact. She didn't shout back, which actually made me more uncomfortable, and I heard her sobbing in the kitchen later.

No, I don't think she knows I heard her."

She didn't remember anything about who the angry neighbor or her kid were. It started out optimistically but there was no nar█owing it down further than "She was three or four floors above us" and "Her husband was a metal worker or at least I think". My fucking luck.
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Aug 12, 2017


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Sender address: ███▄▌█▐▀a 3, ██▀▐▀█
Mai▄ed to: /█▐▀

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May 3, 2017

Končar d. d. internal brief - "Peephole awareness conversation guide"

PHR - 2/980



When installing peepholes in residences that did not previously possess one, it is important to recognize that many residents are uninformed and/or inadequately equipped to understand the function and uses of their new peephole. No-one is better suited to address these issues than you, a trained professional. Because of this, we kindly ask you to initiate a conversation with the tenants you are providing your services to and apply the following questions as needed:


Have you ever used a peephole before?

Do you prefer spending time alone or with friends?

Do you trust your neighbors?

Why is it you think we need these?

Are you shy?

Is getting enough water and air important for you?

What's the voltage most frequently used around here?

Do you feel confident enough in yourself to have interaction with this voltage?

Is anybody in your family color blind?

Do you ever have trouble walking?

Do you ever have trouble walking?


Jan 22, 2017


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ent ▌y: ▄▌ ██@user.bga█e@45
"My ini ial instinct was to reject the notion that any of the events described in there really happened too. I thought the same thing about the places but now we have this. W uldn't we have known? If it's true people must have talked abo▐t it, at l▄▄s  so▐e ▀ne ▀▄

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Sep 14, 2016


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\\AUTONOTE: make sure to comment out any new line
\\ you do not want object operations to be performed on.
\\the surface code is not set to override developer
\\changes at this point
entry# == !
[[355, 011, 000
   555, 012, entry#]&ss]! \\change &d to &ss
callState['memflushREADY']! \\to enable code override
case <= copperBreak = [true]**[] {
route [inln]**entry#!
route [outln]**entry#!
case <= memflush [[inln].[outln]]=[]**[] {
write " 'entry#' "!
wh [outln]<[inln] {
purge**[000, entry#]!
del.var [outln]!
declare [entry#]!
callState['CACHE$'] {{{ \\the following text
\\is to be cached in a surface machine
\\and used for object labeling
'Dear Phil,
The whole point is that we don't know
if he's hurt at all. In fact, the only reason
we're even talking about this is bl
reaction. He HAS been hospitalized
before in scenarios just like this one. The
fact that we respect bl doesn't make it
so that we have to indulge every
episode. Please talk to both of them as
soon as you learn the exact clinic.
PS. One of this months bills on bl name
states meapon under city of residence.
I don't know if it's an administrative
error or the beginning of another
problem. Just keep it in mind.'
setas [entry#]**entry# = fixed!
end.  \\this freezes the memory
\\type and CURRENT object address

\\AUTONOTE: blocked out characters
\\represent objects that havent been
\\fixed yet. do not edit them
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Jun 21, 2016


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What is this? How did you manage to come back? Please say something
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Jun 13, 2016

help us. Where did you find it?

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ME█ GE B▐ █
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an't r▀call any of the technical details, but it definitely said that it comes from the ground and reverberates off some of the higher atmospheric layers. Apparently the only reason anyone suspected it was airborne was because of that and how much sand there is flying around here. I can't remember the file address because I found it while I was sifting through all that useless junk and didn't think it was important. I'm sure the directory was 32_3. something. The la t number c█uld have bee▄ 16.
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 he only directory that ends with a 16 only has a bunch more inaccurate tunnel blueprints. Why the fuck do you care about this any▀ay█
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May 6, 2016



Apr 20, 2016


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 ▐▐▌▬ve█p █ ▄█ n▀ed it is u▬necessari▄y crude we assure you that we are driven by nothing other than concern and urgency. When plainly explained the issue is as follows - our conception of the relation between fields Above and Below is, we believe it is now safe to say, undeniably and completely false. We fully understand the enthusiasm that often follows the development of a new scientific model. The praise our colleagues are treated with is well deserved and we have no intention of undermining it. What we are asking of you is to set this reverie aside for only a moment and consider the analysis this department is putting forward. Our aim is not to defend outdated theories of field equivalence. It is not to gain publicity or stir panic. We merely want to discuss the reasonable possibility of not yet being fully out of danger. As the data collected from within the sealed tunnels shows, malign field activity may in fact be a phenomenon caused by the field Below and n▀▄ a tempor▬ry on▀ █t th▐t.▬
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Feb 24, 2016


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█▐▀evers▬d the u derstanding of static being. It followed that Fundament was to be powdered continuously in the absence of decisive action. Fearing a perpetual reduction to glass, the civilian residents actively cooperated with the relevant authorities for the first time in over 50 years. All of the recently built nuclear power plants were closed shortly and large quantities (see WR/16-17.34a-f) of lead were imported daily. After colossal preparation that included relocating more than 270.000 people, both rivers were obstructed and the entirety of █▄▬ ▀ █ .▄  was demolished. Although the effects were catastrophic in terms of quality of life, with half of the city severely overcrowded and a significant part of the outskirts cut off, there were no riots and an overall crime rate reduction. The economy was halted for three and a half months, at which point layering and isolation were reported to be complete. The reconstruc ion of  ▬█▌▄▀▬ █ took place shortly after, however the redirection of waterflow coupled with heavy machinery and pollution eradicated over 90% of the vegetation. New species were bred to counter the issue. The academy received high praise for their discovery. The feeling of security in the face of conflagration was, however, an illusion. If ▐▌▬ ▀ █▄ ▄ had survived, the lesson that it would most definitely have learned was that every scientific theory, no matter how el▐borate, should be regard▬d as in█o▄plet█.▌Na█▬▐y, ▀▄
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Feb 7, 2016


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▌he█t▄▀nels w re built decades ago, to serve a number of purposes. Whenever officials or the police needed to move around unnoticed, they used the tunnels. Whenever heavy objects were to be transported between buildings, people used the tunnels. It was quite an inconvenience when scientists discovered the perplexing unsoundness of local soil. Workers could only watch in disappointment as the entrances were sealed. It is important to note, though, that the thickest and sturdiest doors weren't the external ones. Most of the corridors branched off into bomb shelters - sadly, completely inaccessible at the only time they were needed. Therefore, it made sense to place the armed doors not at the entrances of tunnels, but at the joints that connected them to shelters. Because of this slight oversight, most of the seals were broken and regular visitations to the tunnels resumed - with the difference that most users had become people who foster no regard for the potential consequences of their actions. The lowlives of the city found a new home, and o▄e that pr█mised to separate them even further as t▌me w█n▀ on.▀▐ █
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