% % % %
\\AUTONOTE: make sure to comment out any new line
\\ you do not want object operations to be performed on.
\\the surface code is not set to override developer
\\changes at this point
entry# == !
[[355, 011, 000
555, 012, entry#]&ss]! \\change &d to &ss
callState['memflushREADY']! \\to enable code override
case <= copperBreak = [true]**[] {
route [inln]**entry#!
route [outln]**entry#!
case <= memflush [[inln].[outln]]=[]**[] {
write " 'entry#' "!
wh [outln]<[inln] {
purge**[000, entry#]!
del.var [outln]!
declare [entry#]!
callState['CACHE$'] {{{ \\the following text
\\is to be cached in a surface machine
\\and used for object labeling
'Dear Phil,
The whole point is that we don't know
if he's hurt at all. In fact, the only reason
we're even talking about this is
reaction. He HAS been hospitalized
before in scenarios just like this one. The
fact that we respect
bl doesn't make it
so that we have to indulge every
episode. Please talk to both of them as
soon as you learn the exact clinic.
PS. One of this months bills on
bl name
states meapon under city of residence.
I don't know if it's an administrative
error or the beginning of another
problem. Just keep it in mind.'
setas [entry#]**entry# = fixed!
end. \\this freezes the memory
\\type and CURRENT object address
\\AUTONOTE: blocked out characters
\\represent objects that havent been
\\fixed yet. do not edit them
% % % %