May 27, 2014

Update 4/0▬OT THR█UGH

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▌▐▀▬▀█GT T▌ROUG▄▬█
R▀▐e of pergrinae
Exact time: 03:00
Location must be away from any potential disturbances.
Needed: One vehicle of t▀pe: Car.
Position vehicle in unlighted environment.
Lay down in back seat.
▬o not move.
Breathe softly.
"... Driving through a place I don't know. I was in the backseat. I could not recognize the driver. The driver did not respond to any attempts at communication. The vehicle was moving faster than would be anticipated in given conditions. Temporal setting was between evening and night. Street lights and neon ad▐erts illuminated only rare passersby. I woke up upon attempting physical contact with the driver. The location I woke up on was in front of my residence's (PHR - 9a/037) entrance. All residents beside myself have been mising since. The suicide room has been o▐t of function since. Ni█htt█me was increased by 27 mi▐utes in the two days f▬ll▬wing. My sentence is to be decided by the stand▀▌d document of █CnDc - 01..."
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  1. People are thinking.....shhhh~

  2. The second line of words is "Rule of peregrinate".
    To peregrinate is to travel or wander from place to place.

    It seems like the first section is instructions on how to move around. The person wishing to travel must leave a vehicle in a secluded location, lay down in the back seat, be quiet, and fall asleep.

    However, the second section has the feeling of being someone talking about a dream they had, that they were dreaming when they 'woke up' in the back seat of a car. They didn't actually wake up in the real world until they tried to touch the driver. It could be that the writer traveled this way, had a dream during the trip, and woke up after completing their journey.

    The 27 minutes more of nighttime comment is pretty easy to interpret, at least at face value. This means that they were traveling at some time between the summer and winter solstice, when we lose daylight. At some points, the loss of daylight is fairly rapid - 27 minutes of daylight lost could be about 3 or 4 days, depending on the time of year. If there was some kind of environmental issue, as is implied in other posts, the amount of daylight could be reduced further, making it plausible that night time could increase by 27 minutes in two days.

  3. Trolling comments on earlier posts aside, what if "The Sun Vanished" is set in the same universe as "Imprint of the Fifth Cycle"?
